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Nlp And Rnns

August 14, 2015

Andrej Karpathy wrote great post on teaching a Recurrent Neural Net structure of the english language. Let's try to run few experiments based on the minimal implementation of the RNN algorithm. The code for the experiments is in this git.

An RNN cell is described by the following equations:

\[ h_{in} = W_{xh} x + W_{hh} h + b_{h} \] \[ h' = f( h_{in} ) \] \[ y = W_{xh} h' + b_{y} \]

And with softmax output:

\[ p_i = \frac{ e^{y_i} }{ \sum{ e^{y_i} } } \]

Original implementation of the RNN uses tanh as an activation function \(f( h_{in} )\). The backprogation through tanh therefore is:

\[ dh_{raw} = (1 - \tanh^2( h_{in} )) dh' \]

I was curious how Rectified Linear Unit (RELU) would perform during text recovery by RNN. The forward pass in case of RELU is trivial:

\[ h' = \max( 0, W_{xh} x + W_{hh} h + b_{h} ) \]

The backward pass is not too complicated either:

\[ dh_{raw} = sig( h_{in} ) dh \]

The output from the two comparable nets looks quite interesting (the net was trained on Paul Graham essays). This is what we get after 2,078,400 iterations from tanh version:

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A bit bubly, isn't it? Here's the RELU version after the same number of iterations:

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Still bubly, albeit a bit less. The following chart shows loss as a function of iterations.

What's interesting about RELUs is that they converge much faster than tanh, however at the begining I was getting lot's of overflow errors. Clipping the vectors before softmax allowed to remove this problem.