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Cuda and Acer Chromebook 13

November 22, 2014

Here's how to use Tegra K1 on Acer Chromebook 13.

Tegra finally arrived to the chromebook world! The TK1 chip gives really cool possibilites with 192 Cuda and 4+1 ARM cores. This post will show how to install chrubuntu on the Acer Chromebook 13.


  1. Make sure chromebook is in the developer mode, good instructions are on the crouton's. I recommend setting up chrubuntu on the external SD card. Acer's formfactor hides SD card pretty well as opposed to Samsung Chromebook 3
  2. Download from this repository and run from Chrome shell as root. Original author is arm000 from reddit

     sudo bash default 14.04 /dev/mmcblk1
  3. Login with user and password user

  4. Download cuda

     sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-l4t-r21.1-6-5-prod_6.5-14_armhf.deb
     cd /var/cuda-repo-6-5-prod
     sudo dpkg -i cuda*
  5. Let's test cuda

     cd ~
     cd NVIDIA_CUDA-6.5_Samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery
     ./deviceQuery Starting
      CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)
     Detected 1 CUDA Capable device(s)
     Device 0: "GK20A"
       CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version          6.5 / 6.5
       CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number:    3.2
       Total amount of global memory:                 4017 MBytes (4212305920 bytes)
       (1) Multiprocessors, (192) CUDA Cores/MP:     192 CUDA Cores
       GPU Clock rate:                                72 MHz (0.07 GHz)
       Memory Clock rate:                             13 Mhz
       Memory Bus Width:                              64-bit
       L2 Cache Size:                                 131072 bytes
       Maximum Texture Dimension Size (x,y,z)         1D=(65536), 2D=(65536, 65536), 3D=(4096, 4096, 4096)
       Maximum Layered 1D Texture Size, (num) layers  1D=(16384), 2048 layers
       Maximum Layered 2D Texture Size, (num) layers  2D=(16384, 16384), 2048 layers
       Total amount of constant memory:               65536 bytes
       Total amount of shared memory per block:       49152 bytes
       Total number of registers available per block: 32768
       Warp size:                                     32
       Maximum number of threads per multiprocessor:  2048
       Maximum number of threads per block:           1024
       Max dimension size of a thread block (x,y,z): (1024, 1024, 64)
       Max dimension size of a grid size    (x,y,z): (2147483647, 65535, 65535)
       Maximum memory pitch:                          2147483647 bytes
       Texture alignment:                             512 bytes
       Concurrent copy and kernel execution:          Yes with 1 copy engine(s)
       Run time limit on kernels:                     No
       Integrated GPU sharing Host Memory:            Yes
       Support host page-locked memory mapping:       Yes
       Alignment requirement for Surfaces:            Yes
       Device has ECC support:                        Disabled
       Device supports Unified Addressing (UVA):      Yes
       Device PCI Bus ID / PCI location ID:           0 / 0
       Compute Mode:
          < Default (multiple host threads can use ::cudaSetDevice() with device simultaneously) >
     deviceQuery, CUDA Driver = CUDART, CUDA Driver Version = 6.5, CUDA Runtime Version = 6.5, NumDevs = 1, Device0 = GK20A
     Result = PASS
  6. Let's run matrix multiplication using BLAS

     cd ~/NVIDIA_CUDA-6.5_Samples/0_Simple/matrixMulCUBLAS
     Matrix Multiply CUBLAS] - Starting...
     GPU Device 0: "GK20A" with compute capability 3.2
     MatrixA(320,640), MatrixB(320,640), MatrixC(320,640)
     Computing result using CUBLAS...done.
     Performance= 99.09 GFlop/s, Time= 1.323 msec, Size= 131072000 Ops
     Computing result using host CPU...done.
     Comparing CUBLAS Matrix Multiply with CPU results: PASS
  7. Here's performance test of opencv using cpu and gpu

     opencv-2.4.9/samples/gpu$ ./performance/test 
     Device 0:  "GK20A"  4017Mb, sm_32, Driver/Runtime ver.6.50/6.50
     Note: the timings for GPU don't include data transfer
         CPU, ms   GPU, ms   SPEEDUP       DESCRIPTION
         858.114   72.0609   x11.9         3000x3000, 32FC1, templ 5x5, CCORR
         985.549   255.025   x3.86         3000x3000, 32FC1, templ 25x25, CCORR
         1748.13   789.76    x2.21         3000x3000, 32FC1, templ 125x125, CCORR
         19.315    20.6993   x0.933        2000x2000, 32F
         77.0511   15.5263   x4.96         4000x4000, 32F
         307.729   72.4855   x4.25         8000x8000, 32F
         90.363    7.50256   x12           1000x1000, 8UC4, INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_REPLICATE
         366.899   17.3507   x21.1         2000x2000, 8UC4, INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_REPLICATE
         1473.39   53.4025   x27.6         4000x4000, 8UC4, INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_REPLICATE
         108.717   78.3432   x1.39         1000x1000, 32FC2, complex-to-complex
         484.56    400.052   x1.21         2000x2000, 32FC2, complex-to-complex
         2134.01   1620.15   x1.32         4000x4000, 32FC2, complex-to-complex
         108.305   103.327   x1.05         1000x1000, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT101
         450.851   496.52    x0.908        2000x2000, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT101
         1881.31   1641.21   x1.15         4000x4000, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT101
         2.96307   5.38107   x0.551        1000x1000, 8UC1
         9.89759   16.2014   x0.611        2000x2000, 8UC1
         38.8796   747.072   x0.052        4000x4000, 8UC1
         66.5294   10.6661   x6.24         2000x2000, 32FC4, NORM_INF
         148.849   143.465   x1.04         3000x3000, 32FC4, NORM_INF
         265.1     83.408    x3.18         4000x4000, 32FC4, NORM_INF
         898.304   68.3235   x13.1         400x400, 8UC3 vs 8UC4
         3665.37   296.622   x12.4         800x800, 8UC3 vs 8UC4
         11462.1   1404.94   x8.16         
         44.5021   26.4897   x1.68         
         395.996   133.94    x2.96         
         1499.82   80.2282   x18.7         match
         1498.06   79.4344   x18.9         knnMatch
         1562.1    117.872   x13.3         radiusMatch
         31.7564   10.762    x2.95         2000x2000, 32FC1
         71.0263   35.5927   x2            3000x3000, 32FC1
         125.714   128.134   x0.981        4000x4000, 32FC1
         18.707    7.99203   x2.34         2000x2000, 32FC1
         42.7588   11.0964   x3.85         3000x3000, 32FC1
         74.9048   133.128   x0.563        4000x4000, 32FC1
         74.6291   4.42015   x16.9         2000x2000, 32F
         167.232   8.72713   x19.2         3000x3000, 32F
         297.186   14.2314   x20.9         4000x4000, 32F
         40.4223   9.7163    x4.16         2000x2000
         90.7949   21.1238   x4.3          3000x3000
         169.98    36.9861   x4.6          4000x4000
         106.637   11.4671   x9.3          1000x1000, 8UC4, up
         425.265   32.8241   x13           2000x2000, 8UC4, up
         916.219   71.8048   x12.8         3000x3000, 8UC4, up
         3.19822   1.97371   x1.62         1000x1000, 8UC4, down
         11.768    6.89636   x1.71         2000x2000, 8UC4, down
         26.8637   8.29564   x3.24         3000x3000, 8UC4, down
         41.3608   9.47918   x4.36         4000x4000, 8UC1, CV_GRAY2BGRA
         256.231   16.2589   x15.8         4000x4000, 8UC3 vs 8UC4, CV_BGR2YCrCb
         305.405   15.5065   x19.7         4000x4000, 8UC4, CV_YCrCb2BGR
         243.121   17.6773   x13.8         4000x4000, 8UC3 vs 8UC4, CV_BGR2XYZ
         262.035   15.625    x16.8         4000x4000, 8UC4, CV_XYZ2BGR
         316.473   39.6782   x7.98         4000x4000, 8UC3 vs 8UC4, CV_BGR2HSV
         1482.77   22.8313   x64.9         4000x4000, 8UC4, CV_HSV2BGR
         113.027   30.9059   x3.66         2000x2000
         258.124   60.2367   x4.29         3000x3000
         466.415   236.753   x1.97         4000x4000
         4.94594   2.41176   x2.05         2000x2000, 8UC1, THRESH_BINARY
         11.0253   6.11446   x1.8          3000x3000, 8UC1, THRESH_BINARY
         19.598    8.82527   x2.22         4000x4000, 8UC1, THRESH_BINARY
         10.016    3.97195   x2.52         2000x2000, 32FC1, THRESH_TRUNC [NPP]
         22.4392   31.2924   x0.717        3000x3000, 32FC1, THRESH_TRUNC [NPP]
         40.0042   26.4149   x1.51         4000x4000, 32FC1, THRESH_TRUNC [NPP]
         11.9931   2.18587   x5.49         1000x1000, 32F
         47.2433   3.71193   x12.7         2000x2000, 32F
         105.984   7.8099    x13.6         3000x3000, 32F
         189.018   13.3482   x14.2         4000x4000, 32F
         148.576   15.1322   x9.82         1000000
         108.388   10.4727   x10.3         714285
         76.3413   10.1459   x7.52         510203
         55.0224   7.87239   x6.99         364430
         38.8461   6.65774   x5.83         260307
         554.475   343.844   x1.61         5000
         1292.95   399.338   x3.24         18800
         5010.72   627.099   x7.99         70688
         17729.6   1454.83   x12.2         265786
         36.0077   16.7083   x2.16         1000x1000, 8UC4
         146.934   29.5295   x4.98         2000x2000, 8UC4
         333.92    58.5911   x5.7          3000x3000, 8UC4
         601.25    197.405   x3.05         4000x4000, 8UC4
         41.9738   13.9314   x3.01         ksize = 3, 512x512, 8UC4
         72.3195   17.1541   x4.22         ksize = 5, 512x512, 8UC4
         115.287   20.4971   x5.62         ksize = 7, 512x512, 8UC4
         181.174   25.6706   x7.06         ksize = 9, 512x512, 8UC4
         181.107   34.2712   x5.28         ksize = 11, 512x512, 8UC4
         181.266   46.1384   x3.93         ksize = 13, 512x512, 8UC4
         181.523   58.7195   x3.09         ksize = 15, 512x512, 8UC4
         168.459   19.6847   x8.56         ksize = 3, 1024x1024, 8UC4
         290.151   32.4336   x8.95         ksize = 5, 1024x1024, 8UC4
         461.43    52.3748   x8.81         ksize = 7, 1024x1024, 8UC4
         566.945   81.0616   x6.99         ksize = 9, 1024x1024, 8UC4
         567.505   115.59    x4.91         ksize = 11, 1024x1024, 8UC4
         568.561   183.934   x3.09         ksize = 13, 1024x1024, 8UC4
         570.085   237.825   x2.4          ksize = 15, 1024x1024, 8UC4
         675.046   49.528    x13.6         ksize = 3, 2048x2048, 8UC4
         1170.26   110.083   x10.6         ksize = 5, 2048x2048, 8UC4
         1859.11   196.855   x9.44         ksize = 7, 2048x2048, 8UC4
         1999.81   395.12    x5.06         ksize = 9, 2048x2048, 8UC4
         1994.11   518.987   x3.84         ksize = 11, 2048x2048, 8UC4
         2032.05   729.437   x2.79         ksize = 13, 2048x2048, 8UC4
         2005.78   977.641   x2.05         ksize = 15, 2048x2048, 8UC4
         235.279   39.2804   x5.99         4000x4000, 8UC4
         130.707   40.4058   x3.23         3000x3000, 8UC4
         57.1578   13.7517   x4.16         2000x2000, 8UC4
         13.6359   8.41556   x1.62         1000x1000, 8UC4
         263.64    89.4818   x2.95         2000x2000, 8UC4
         65.418    16.3824   x3.99         1000x1000, 8UC4
         3.23604   8.55969   x0.378        1000x1000
         11.3514   20.3959   x0.557        2000x2000
         25.293    36.5682   x0.692        3000x3000
         61.9438   47.8773   x1.29         
         3.04195   1.15759   x2.63         1000x1000, dim = 0
         2.69111   2.31457   x1.16         1000x1000, dim = 1
         9.98761   3.39094   x2.95         2000x2000, dim = 0
         9.66781   3.91534   x2.47         2000x2000, dim = 1
         21.2211   8.76042   x2.42         3000x3000, dim = 0
         20.7015   5.4969    x3.77         3000x3000, dim = 1
         [error: The library was build without CUBLAS] 512x512
         188.499   40.3744   x4.67         
         312.542   151.67    x2.06         1000
         614.213   420.687   x1.46         2000
         1177.81   697.847   x1.69         4000
         1216.7    611.392   x1.99         8000
         641.565   611.623   x1.05         dataset=rubberwhale, fastPyramids=0, useGaussianBlur=0
         1182.49   363.342   x3.25         dataset=rubberwhale, fastPyramids=0, useGaussianBlur=1
         640.733   170.038   x3.77         dataset=rubberwhale, fastPyramids=1, useGaussianBlur=0
         1180.53   173.912   x6.79         dataset=rubberwhale, fastPyramids=1, useGaussianBlur=1
         893.146   965.563   x0.925        dataset=basketball, fastPyramids=0, useGaussianBlur=0
         1621.17   623.748   x2.6          dataset=basketball, fastPyramids=0, useGaussianBlur=1
         896.168   747.02    x1.2          dataset=basketball, fastPyramids=1, useGaussianBlur=0
         1655.28   312.789   x5.29         dataset=basketball, fastPyramids=1, useGaussianBlur=1
         513.208   257.048   x2            
         96.1007   10.7464   x8.94         
         84.3416   13.3616   x6.31         
     average GPU speedup: x6.240